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Thank you for taking the time to read my April update.

Hope you enjoy it! All feedback gratefully received!

When you ask yourself, what are your strengths, what do you think?

Chances are you struggle to go there, as with our negativity bias we are wired to focus on those areas that we see as our weaknesses and therefore, need to fix to be ‘better’. This goes back to the days when we were hunter gatherers and needed to be on high alert for all the threats around us. The world is different now, but it is easier for us to maintain this default rather than challenge it……. Change can be painful and take time and commitment.

Step this way to strengths coaching! Here to challenge the negativity bias and to help you to develop new habits and ways of being that allow you to be in a space where you can focus on your strengths and better still, set up camp there!

So back to the question, what are your strengths? Many people would respond to say the things that they’re good at, their skills. This is only part of the definition that I use. You see skills can be learned and are great for getting the job done. However, strengths are much more than this. They are underlying qualities that give us energy and which we have the potential to be great it!

To illustrate how strengths are different from skills, I’ll give you an example. We can be skilled at something that we don’t even like doing. I was great at Maths at school, but I really did not enjoy it at all! Therefore, a career using Maths for example as an Accountant would not have suited me. I would have been very unhappy and unfulfilled.

I love the potential for Strengths Coaching as by genuinely understanding and tapping into the areas that energise people there is potential to apply them to be happy and fulfilled. Imagine the impact on life overall, the positive energy is contagious and before you know it, things are going well across the board. At work, in friendships, as a parent, in your relationships this impact can be seen.

Now I’m not suggesting that it’s easy to identify, truly understand and then adjust life to get the best out of your strengths. Nothing worth while ever is, is it? However, if you are curious and committed to making changes to improve your life, then this is a great place to start. And once you’ve learnt it, you cant ‘unlearn’ it. We look at how you can keep strengths on your agenda and maintain transformative change, even during tough times.

I would love to continue this conversation with you further, to explore how I can bring Strengths Coaching to you, your team or group. Please do reach out or contact me on my website.

Speak soon

Helen xxx

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