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Welcome to November’s Updates

I know, it’s Saturday!

I wanted to share November’s Updates with you, which is why I’m sending this today rather than next week!

Hope you’re enjoying the build up to the festivities and not feeling too swamped by all the Black Friday deals!

This month has been great and I’ve felt some real shifts in business and life! I have taken my offer to the Foxton Youth and Community Team, facilitating a Team Strengths Workshop and was BLOWN AWAY by the Compassion and Enthusiasm of the Service!

This fabulous group, from the off, had a great understanding of what Strengths are. They EMBRACED the session with an open mind, eagerness and determined curiosity to learn

Working in my own community makes my heart sing, so this really was a fantastic opportunity for me! When discussing Team PURPOSE, hearing that Foxton is ‘a safe place, where people can be themselves’. It’s a place of ‘empowerment, where you have power of your own destiny’. There is ‘open access for all’. And as their logo says their message is ‘we are here’!

A couple of stand outs from this Workshop that really struck me:

    • Strengths are what get you GIDDY!!!
    • The value of having a reality REALITY CHECKER!
    • The importance of HUMOUR.
    • Trust and psychological safety meaning that Team Members can CONFIDENTLY call on one another.
    • Celebrating SUCCESS!!

Are you spending time doing what makes you giddy? Do you use a reality checker to keep grounded and regulate your state? Do you draw upon humour and find it valuable to keep well? How much value do you place on psychological safety and do you truly celebrate success?

Spending some time reflecting on this and then TAKING ACTION to include on your day-to-day, can help you to intentionally get the best out of yourself! Why not give it a try?

Uncover Your Power and Create Your Best Future!

I shared in my last Update that with three of my esteemed peers, I am bringing an offer of the Uncover Your Power and Create Your Best Future Workshop. A variety of perspectives to help you to GROW! Prioritising time to learn and develop can help provide you with a broadened outlook and mindset!

I am delighted to be collaborating with fellow WELLBEING Practitioners, John Fisher, Amanda Robinson and Kirsty Lucinda Allan as we bring this offering to you!

There’s still time to register to come and join the 4 of us on 3rd December 2024 in stunning surroundings at Delta Hotels by Marriott in Preston, to give yourself the space to place YOU as a priority! With the theme of empowerment from 4 different perspectives, be the first to experience the synergy of our unique offers

There’s a special price too! £77 for 1 ticket or get the £97 ticket and bring a guest on us! It’s going to be a fabulous day, with the opportunity to invest in yourself as well as network with other LIKE HEARTED delegates!

You will come away from this with a practical understanding of how to recognise the depth of power within you, ignite that FIRE IN YOUR BELLY and become the director of your potential!

Book Now


I went back to college this week, to be a model for my gorgeous girl for one of her beauty practical assessments. I was treated to a facial and manicure and let me tell you, my girl has got some SKILLS!! Just look at the photo!

I was so proud of how she took her time, remained calm and focused and was able to really get into her flow of excellence. And yep, she got a DISTINCTION across the board! She was beaming and also so excited to be told that she is being given the chance to learn about doing eyebrows next week. Something that is usually saved for the next level along!

As those of you who know me will already be aware, my girl really struggled in her school environment, that was not able to meet her needs and provide her with the opportunity to find and celebrate what MAKES HER TICK. To now see her shine, doing what puts that fire in her belly, makes my heart burst!

My girl still finds some things challenging, she struggles to touch other people and re-sitting Maths and English reminds her of school. Yet she is able to sandwich that stuff the mythers her, with the great stuff and build momentum to grow and even better still, THRIVE! She’s a shining example of all things Strengths! Find what lights you up and do it! Then use that energy to help you overcome challenges that at first might seem insurmountable!

This is exactly what we do in Strengths Coaching. If you’d like to follow my girl’s lead, give me a shout as I can bring this to you on an individual, team or group basis! Lets LIGHT THE FIRE!


I had a great time this week being a guest on Caroline Heaton-Tate’s Podcast, the Healthy Wealthy Goddess Show! It was a real pleasure to reflect on my business journey so far and share some of my own personal stories that have shaped where I am now!

I always enjoy listening to Podcasts and getting to know more about the person, rather than simply what you see on the Socials! You can take a listen below! Be great to have any feedback from you!

Listen Here

That’s all from November’s Updates for you!

Hope you’ve enjoyed what you’ve read, heard and seen
Can’t believe the next one will be rounding up the year and saying goodbye to 2024.

As always you can contact me on:


Also do feel free to connect on LinkedIn using the icon on this website

Speak soon!! Helen xx

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