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Welcome to May’s Updates

It’s been a busy month so far! My girl is doing her GCSEs, new dog in our home and summer mingling has begun! I definitely need to stretch into my flexibility strength to get the fire roaring in my belly!

In this month’s update, I thought I’d give you a run down of things to come over the next few weeks.

I am excited to be working with the Its Mental Team and the Wellbeing Collective to offer preventative services to support optimum wellbeing. Looking forward to updating you with how this develops!

You may be aware that I have completed my NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practitioner Certification, last weekend. It was fabulous! This sounds so lame…. but it truly has been life changing! For me using NLP on myself first before I use it in my work has been essential as it allows me to embody the practice and model excellence, just as my Trainer, Sarah Fletcher does. Weaving NLP into my practical Strengths Coaching Offer is going to be such a positive enhancement and make what I bring to others, even better!

I have spent some time recently developing my Strengths Coaching Workshop to be a little bit different to usual and have called this the Softer Side to Coaching. No one speaks during the session so that everyone has the personal space to authentically reflect and set their intentions for the future. I will offer this to a small group initially. Look out so you can sign up!

To build on this I cannot wait to bring a full day Strengths Coaching experience, allowing the opportunity to find the fire in your belly and drill into your own strengths. I am planning this for my first business anniversary/birthday on 3 July 2024! Watch this space!!

The last weekend in June brings with it the Wellbeing Festival at the Winter Gardens Conference Centre, where I will be speaking about my offer and exhibiting. Will be a great opportunity for anyone interested in all things wellbeing, whether on a personal level, in their business and work life, to come along and see what services are available. You might be surprised by how broad the range of wellbeing offers there are out there! Or you might want to speak and exhibit yourself.

You can get tickets from

Feel free to reach out to me, should you want any more information.

Here’s to an upcoming June!!! Bring it on!!!

If we’re not already connected, please do connect with me on LinkedIn, then we can share any ideas with one another.

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